Investment Tax Credit for Manufacturers
Category: State Incentives, Tax Incentives
(Investment Credit Act)
Manufacturers may take a credit against gross receipts, compensating or withholding taxes equal to 5.125% of the value of qualified equipment imported and put into use in a manufacturing plant in New Mexico, provided the manufacturer meets the criteria of hiring additional workers to earn the credit, as follows:
For Claims 1 new worker employed for each
0-$30,000,000: $500,000 qualified equipment;
Over $30,000,000: $1 million in qualified equipment.
The credit may (also) be claimed for equipment acquired under an IRB. This is a double benefit because no gross receipts or compensating tax was paid on the purchase or importation of the equipment.
The manufacturer simply reduces its tax payment to the state (by as much as 85% per reporting period) until the amount of investment credit is exhausted. There also are provisions for issuing a refund when the credit balance falls under $500,000. The credit does not apply against local gross receipts taxes.
New Mexico Economic Development Department